12 Consejos para tomar un examen de la barra de abogados con éxito. Miles de estudiantes de derecho lanzan sus carreras después de superar con éxito el examen de la barra. Utilice estos 12 consejos, y usted también, abogado extranjero, puede llegar a la ceremonia de admisión en el tiempo indicado.
Atención Todos lo(a) s aspirantes a tomar el examen de admisión 2015 – 16: Debes registrarte para seleccionar el repaso MPRE Bar Review Course (Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam).
(1)- Primer paso registrarse entrando a través del siguiente enlace: http://www.barbri.com/home.html.-
(2)- En esta pagina principal entrar por “Sing Up for BARBRI”-“Registre Now” y preferiblemente crear tu propia cuenta con tu email – (es gratis) ** Una vez dentro ir a la pagina “Select Course” Ya dentro de esta pagina seleccionar lo siguiente:
* Bar Exam State “Louisiana”
* Bar Exam Date: Julio 2015 o February 2016
* Enroll in the FREE 2015 Review Course (Si)
* In what state will you take the MPRE review? (“en Florida”)
* Puedes tomar este examen MPRE en: NORTH MIAMI ST THOMAS LAW – (fecha-2015), 1-5 PM, Room 104 (costo $10.00 (diez) Online.
Una vez hecho el registro, vía tu email recibirás tu confirmación y numero de participante. IMPORTANTE es OPCIONAL y este NO es el examen MPRE, es un repaso al curso y la oportunidad de familiarizarse para el examen real de 2015 – 2016. Este material de repaso, también lo puedes recibir “Online” OPCIONAL – Vía el siguiente enlace: http://store.kaptest.com/shoppingcart.jhtml?classids=55531492 IMPORTANTE, para ser admitidos al examen de Louisiana, deben de obtener una puntuación minima de 80 en el examen MPRE.
Solicitando a tiempo tomar el examen de la barra:
1. Hacer una solicitud a tiempo, tanto para el examen de la barra y, si desea escribirlo [maquina], para poder usar el Examsoft. La fecha límite para hacer una solicitud oportuna tiene la tasa más baja [la mayoría son tardías]. Si usted está leyendo esto, a mediados de abril 2015, ya ha perdido los plazos de entrega más oportuna y están tarde para tomar el examen a la barra de julio 2015.
Para hacerlo bien la próxima vez, consulte con su oficina de servicios profesionales [NAFA ASSOCIATION] y, lean la Sección de ABA de Educación Legal y Admisión- Guía Completa de la Barra de Abogados Requisitos de Admisión, conocido cariñosamente como “La Guía de Completa” Ver detalles: http://www.ncbex.org/assets/media_files/Comp-Guide/CompGuide.pdf. Se actualiza anualmente, contiene las fechas y los plazos, el carácter y la aptitud de la información, tarifas, y mucho más. También puedes ver el examen de Responsabilidad Profesional (MPRE) es obligatorio.
2. La mayoría de los examinadores de la barra requieren notificación dentro de los diez días siguientes a la ocurrencia de cualquier evento [problema] violacion de la ley o delito (un problema “realmente malo”), y “Me olvidé” no es una excusa. Su admisión a la barra puede ser retrasada o negada en caso de no reportar problemas con la justicia, multas, bancarrota, demandas, etc.
3. Tenga en cuenta que dormir la noche antes del examen de la barra; Si usted viene de fuera de la ciudad [u otro estado], debe conseguir una habitación de hotel tan cerca del lugar del examen como sea posible. No hay perdón en casos de “me perdí la rampa de salida”, no es una excusa por llegar tarde y no tendrás tiempo extra para contestar el examen.
4. Se deben adherir a los hábitos de estudio que funcionó para usted mientras usted estaba en la escuela. Si su patrón funcionó y estaba estudiando cinco horas al día, tratando de trabajar durante 12 horas, esto se extiende mucho y puede ser contraproducente. Si usted toma una clase de repaso o estudia por su cuenta, tome la mayor cantidad de pruebas a los exámenes reales de práctica y ensayo, tanto como sea posible. Miles de preguntas con muestras de exámenes MBE de la barra en varios estados- están disponibles- entrando por enlace seguido: http://www.ncbex.org/multistate-tests/mbe/]
Puedes buscar usos de exámenes y de varios otros estados en la “Prueba de Desempeño” (MPT) con preguntas a todos ellos y, tienes que practicar, practicar y practicar. [Entrando por enlace seguido: http://www.ncbex.org/multistate-tests/mpt/]
5. Grupos de estudio son un juego de azar. A menos que se continúa con el mismo grupo que ha estado antes; para encontrar un ritmo adecuado con un grupo de extraños tiene el potencial de disminuir la útilidad y productividad de los estudios.
6. Ejercicio y comer bien. Comeltas de pizzas no cuenta como buen ejercicio a menos que corras 30 peldaños de escaleras para conseguirlo. Azúcar, grasa, sal y cafeína no son buenos alimentos antes del examen.
7. No hable con otros que tomaron el examen durante dos semanas antes del examen. Recuerde que le confunden con sus nociones de temas arcanos de la ley de fideicomisos. No se distraiga.
Tomar el examen de la barra:
8. La mejor herramienta: un reloj de pulsera. Usted no será capaz de usar el reloj de su teléfono celular en el examen. Calcular bien el tiempo permitido para cada pregunta, y escribir la hora en su hoja de examen. Después de una hora (1:00) sobre una cuestión de 60 minutos, no se detenga- debe seguir adelante. Cualquiera que sea el número de puntos obtenidos es mejor que escribir por 30 minutos más allá del tiempo asignado; luego no lo puede compensar por faltar a la siguiente pregunta. Usted no obtiene puntos para las preguntas que deja en blanco.
9. Lee bien las preguntas. Lea de nuevo si es necesario. Siga las instrucciones. Si se le pide en el examen que escriba una nota a un cliente, hazlo. Si usted está escribiendo a mano el examen y se le instruye a escribir en cada línea y en cada página, lo debe hacer. Ya sea por maquina o escribir a mano, debes recordar que una persona viva va a leer sus respuestas. Que sea lo más fácil posible para que esa persona le entienda bien y le den los puntos correctos.
10. Utilizando IRAQ, subraye el resumen de sus respuestas, y no empezar a escribir antes de pensar con cuidado la respuesta. El difunto Earle Kyle IV, quien calificó siete rondas de exámenes finales, a menudo le aconsejaba a los estudiantes de la Universidad de Minnesota, Facultad de Derecho que, quienes toman el examen a la barra sin prepararse se puede saber cuando escriben sin tener un plan porque los temas relevantes salen a la superficie después de haber evitado los alegatos y pistas falsas. Usted puede obtener puntos por algo que ponga en su esquema. Pero si No puede recordar la ley? Se sugiere analizar y discutir en su mente los hechos antes de contestar.
11. La telepatía no es una herramienta al examen de la barra. Señaló Kyle que los examinadores de los que toman el examen al bar no saben lo que Usted sabe, y que los examinandos deben escribir todo. Para una pregunta de ley constitucional, Usted escribe: “Esta es una pregunta a la Ley Constitucional. [1 punto] Se requiere de la acción del Estado [otro punto]. ” No asuma nada, ni que tampoco ellos van a ver su punto de vista
12. No arriesgue su carrera en este examen. Los examinadores son la última parada en su camino a convertirse en un abogado practicante y las respuestas inadecuadas ponen su condición y preparación en cuestión por lo cual será referido a la Junta de Examinadores. Ninguna de las respuestas que Usted escriba debe ser divertida, sarcástica, desagradable u obscena. Pensar con claridad. Escribir con elocuencia.
Aviso de cambio Reciente:
The Code III Examination will include the remainder of the Louisiana Civil Code and related Ancillaries, with the exception of those articles dealing with matters to be covered in the Torts examination, particularly Articles 2315 through 2324, and with the exception of the law of partnership, particularly Articles 2801 to 2844.
The Civil Code III examination covers the following topics:
From the Code and related Ancillaries, the areas of: Obligations, including conventional obligations or contracts; sale and exchange; lease, mandate, deposit, compromise and security rights, including mortgages, pledges, privileges and suretyships; liberative prescription and conflict of laws (Civil Code Articles 3537 through 3541). The Civil Code III examination does not include the law of security interests under Chapter Nine of the Uniform Commercial Code. http://www.lascba.org/civil3.asp
(Preguntas de Examinación) Examination Questions
What subjects are tested on the Louisiana bar exam?
The written examination consists of two parts: the nine-part written examination (Part I) and the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (Part II).
Part I consists of separate examinations in the following subjects:
1. Civil Code I
2. Civil Code II
3. Civil Code III
4. Louisiana code of Civil Procedure
5. Torts
6. Business Entities and Negotiable Instruments
7. Constitutional Law
8. Criminal Law, Procedure and Evidence
9. Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure.
(Cual es el itinerario del examen) What is the examination schedule?
- Monday:
- Civil Code I: 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
- Civil Code II: 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
- Civil Code III: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Wednesday:
- La. C.C.P.: 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
- Torts: 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
- Business Entities and Negotiable Instruments: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Friday:
- Constitutional Law: 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
- Criminal Law, Procedure & Evidence: 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
- Federal Jurisdiction & Procedure: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(Donde ver las preguntas de examenes anteriores) Does the Committee release answer for previous essay questions?
No, however, questions are posted on the Committee’s website following the administration of each examination. Topics covered on multiple choice questions are also posted.
(Cursos de repaso para tomar el examen al Bar) Are bar review courses offered in Louisiana?
The Committee has been provided the following names for distribution:
BAR/BRI: 1-800-950-7277 www.barbri.com
Kaplan Bar Review: 1-800-523-0777 www.kaplanbarreview.com
This list should not be construed as an endorsement of any review course. The Committee is not affiliated with any bar review courses. There may be bar review courses other than those listed of which the Committee is not aware.
(Louisiana require MPRE Exámen) the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (“MPRE Part II”)?
Yes. It is Part II of the written examination.
(Donde y cuando es este examen) When and where is the MPRE given?
The MPRE is given in March, August and November of each year at various locations across the country. Registration information, exam dates and filing deadlines are available at: http://www.ncbex.org/about-ncbe-exams/mpre/
(Cúal es la puntuación minima de pase) What is the passing score on the MPRE in Louisiana and how long is my MPRE score valid?
Louisiana requires a scaled score of 80 or higher on the MPRE. A passing score for the MPRE shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of the examination. However, an applicant who has been admitted to the Bar of another state, passed the MPRE in fulfillment of the Bar Admissions requirement(s) of the applicant’s state(s) of admission, and complied with the continuing legal education requirements of the applicant’s state(s) of admission will be considered to have satisfied the requirement. A letter from the CLE office stating that all requirements have been met for that year must be forwarded to this office along with a certified copy from the NCBE of your MPRE score.
(Cuales cosas puedo traer al exámen) What am I allowed to bring to the Examination?
Applicants are not permitted to bring any items into the examination room other than a clear plastic food storage type bag (maximum size one gallon), which may only contain: a photo I.D., wallet, keys, earplugs, pens, erasers, medication and medical items, facial tissue, non-digital watch or timepiece, one clear plastic bottle of water/juice/soda/coffee per exam session.
The following items are strictly prohibited and will not be permitted in the exam room or testing area, which includes the examination room, rest rooms and hallway: handbags, purses, hats, hoods or any other headgear (except items of religious apparel), backpacks, duffle bags, briefcases, tote bags, notes, scratch paper, books, magazines, newspapers or any other reading material, bar review or other study material in any format or media, electronic devices such as cell phones, calculators, pagers, cameras, radios, recording devices, hand-held computers, any type of personal digital assistant, wireless email devices, etc., IPODS or similar devices, headphones or headsets, imaging devices, any type of wireless communication device, weapons of any kind, regardless of whether you have a permit to carry, any other item not specifically allowed.
(Preguntas- costos del examen) Application Questions) How much does it cost to take the Louisiana Bar Examination?
LA. Sup. Ct. Rule XVII, Appendix:
I. Registration Certificate of Equivalence Fee: $50.00
II. Bar Examination Application Fee: $550.
III. Any and all fees assessed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners Filing Fee: $750.
NCBE Fee Schedule:
IV. Foreign: $750.
This report is for the same jurisdiction for which NCBE prepared the original Law Student Registrant report. http://www.lascba.org/faq.asp#fn1
12 Tips for a Successful Bar Exam- by Susan Gainen .
Thousands of law students launch their careers after successfully navigating the bar exam just once. Use these 12 tips, and you, too, can make it to the admission ceremony on time.
Applying to take the bar exam
1. Make a timely application for both the bar exam and, if you want to type, for using Examsoft. The timely-filing deadline has the lowest fee. If you are reading this in mid-May 2011, you have missed most timely and late deadlines for the July bar.
To get it right next time, check in with your Career Services Office and read the ABA Section on Legal Education and Admission to the Bar’s Comprehensive Guide to Bar Admission Requirements, known affectionately as “The Comp Guide.” It is updated annually, contains dates and deadlines, character and fitness information, fees, and more. Also check in with the Bar Examiners in your state for the most current rules and procedures and whether the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE) is required.
2. Amend your bar exam application when necessary. When bar examiners check records before signing off on your admission and find a mid-June DWI, you are in trouble. Most bar examiners require notification within ten days of the occurrence of any triggering (aka “really bad”) event, and “I forgot” is not an excuse. Bar admission can be delayed or denied.
3. Consider where to sleep the night before the bar exam. If you are coming from out of town, get a hotel room as close to the exam site as possible. “I missed the off-ramp” is not an excuse for being late and you will get no extra time. If you are taking two states’ exams, have both Plan A and Plan B that will get to you to the exam sites on time.
Studying for the bar exam
4. Stick to study habits that worked for you while you were in school. If your pattern was studying five hours a day, trying to work for 12-hour stretches may be counter-productive. Whether you take a bar review class or study on your own, take as many real-time practice essay tests as possible. Thousands of sample Multistate Bar exam questions are available. Whether your state drafts its own or uses the Multistate Performance Test (MPT) questions, find them all and practice, practice, practice.
5. Study groups are a gamble. Unless you are continuing with the group you have been in since Torts, finding an appropriate rhythm with strangers has the potential to detract from purposeful and productive studying.
6. Exercise and eat right. Meeting the pizza delivery guy does not count as exercise unless you climb down 30 flights of stairs to get it. Sugar, fat, salt, and caffeine are not food groups.
7. Do not talk to other test-takers for two weeks before the exam. Your friends will remember things that you have never heard of and they will confuse you with their notions of arcane issues of trust law. Don’t let yourself be distracted.
Taking the bar exam
8. Top tool: a wrist watch. You will not be able to use your cell phone’s clock, so beg, borrow, but do not steal a watch, and set it to12 o’clock. Calculate the time allowed for each question, and write the time on your exam sheet. After one hour (1 o’clock) on a 60-minute question, you must move on. Whatever small number of points that you might earn for writing 30 minutes beyond that allotted time will not make up for missing a question entirely. You get no points for questions that you skip.
9. Read the questions. Read them again. Follow the instructions. If you are asked to write a memo to a client, do it. If you are hand-writing the exam and are instructed to write on every other line on every other page, do it. Whether writing or typing, know that a live person will read your answers. Make it as easy as possible for that person to give you points.
10. Using IRAQ, outline your answers, and do not start to write before you think carefully. The late Earle Kyle IV, who graded seven rounds of bar exams, often advised University of Minnesota Law School students that bar exam graders can tell if you write without a plan because relevant issues surface after you have dissected red herrings. You may get points for something on your outline. Can’t remember the law? He suggesting discussing the facts.
11. Telepathy is not a bar exam tool. Kyle advised students that their exams are graded against a grid. He noted that bar exam graders do not know what you know, and that test takers should write down everything. For a ConLaw question, write: “This is a Constitutional Law Question. [1 point] It involves state action [1 point].”
12. Do not risk your career on this exam. Bar Exam Graders are the last stop on your road to becoming a lawyer and inappropriate answers calling your fitness into question will be referred to the Board of Law Examiners. Nothing in your answers should be funny, snide, nasty or obscene.
Think clearly. Write eloquently. Good luck