The program has as objective to certify the professional of health who has previous experience in his/her country, as doctors or professional nurses as a medical assistant and technologist in EKG, this way to allow those interested, the re-incorporation to the labor field in their area while they are certified before the respective boards. This will allow the person to learn the labor system of this country, that in a future could serve and extend the experience and practice among other advantages.
The course will have a duration of not more of 36 hours, it could be attend in weekends and for the interested persons it will be possible to create a night schedule during the week
There are dictating magisterial classes in clinical and administrative area. The administrative topics will be focused in the functioning of the system of health in this country, the functions inside the medical team of a MA, ethics and law while the clinical area will do to itself a shallow revision of the topics that a MA must handle and everything relating to electrocardiography. Besides ultimately there was delivered an evaluation that it was determining if you. This one in aptitude to receive the above mentioned certification.
1. General limits of the Medical Worker in the United States
2. Technologies of Flebotomy-Practice
3. EKG's technologies - Practice
4. Tasks you specify of the Medical Assistant and your legal implementation in It Use
5. Regulations of the Medical Assistant
Diploma and University Title
Saturdays, Intensive and Nights $1,999.00 + $130.00 tax
Benefits Membership NAFA - Receipt of the documentation - Translation, authorization and evaluation of the documentation - Evaluation of university credentials academic Training - Diploma, medal and act of graduation - Membership to the Medicard.
You can initiate the steps with us throughout the whole year. Contact with our experts for a more detailed information.
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