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“The saga of two people after 9/11, the U.S. Citizens and the Immigrants.”
ATTENTION: for Immidiate Press Release
NAFA School - Association and UNPAM University
DATE: MARCH 23, 2004
We, the professional and non-professional immigrants coming to the Unites States of America, fleeing from communist and/or oppressed dictatorship countries were, up to now, without any real consciousness of the role we must play. We have no dream of history But we must see ourselves as a part of modern United States History.
This war in Irak is demonstrating how naive the American People really are. Endless debates have absorbed us with the agony of a question: Why we went to war against Irak? Is the world a better place now without Sadam Hussein?
Our testimonies, the immigrants’ testimonies have an important role to play at this crucial moment. Several obvious answers have resulted overwhelming to our most recent poll among immigrants, where we asked to some of our members foreign professionals the following:
*Is Cuba and the World a better place to be if Fidel Castro is removed from government?
*Is Nicaragua and the World a better place without the Dictators Communist Sandinistas?
*Is Russia and the Word a better place without the Communist and Joseph Stanli?
*Is Yugoslavia and the World a better place without the Communist’s Dictatorship?
*Is Germany and the World a better place without the Criminal Dictator Adolf Hitler?
Ross Perot wrote in his Plan for the 21 st. Century’s Book “United We Stand” 1992, that there were five principals which animated his movement from the beginning and which would carry it through election day and beyond. These principles were the themes of his Book. He delineated in the After word these five principles:
One. The people are the owners of this Country. Everyone in government, from the President of the United States to the newest employee in a small town, works for the people.
Two. All of us must take personal responsibility for our actions and for the actions of our government. Citizenship in the United States is a privilege that can only be safeguarded by its exercise.
Three. We are a single team. The task ahead is enormous. We are all is need it in the rebuilding of America.
Four. We can’t keep living beyond our means. The size of government must be permanently reduced. The deficit must be eliminated. We can handle shared sacrifice. We cannot survive an irresponsible government.
Five. Our greatest challenge is economic competition. Our governmental policies should be redirected to stimulate growth, to encourage the private sector to create jobs, and to open opportunities for Americans.
Similar principles have formatted the roots and foundation of this Country since the Founders. But time is short and history merciless. There is a new and Very Sinister Enemy of this Country like none before; an enemy who has soak through the American’s media public opinion in its own licentiousness, twisting reality with absurd concepts of anti-family, anti-religion poisoning our own communication’s channels, taking advantage that said licentiousness has confused our society and shook its roots; now is trying to divide us as a Nation, as one People, made of immigrants which is the core of this great Nation, our roots are the target this enemy has chosen to disintegrate us as a Nation using our own infrastructure.
Howard Fast in his book “The Immigrants” wrote that, in the Book of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, which Feng Wo had translated from the Chinese language and which was published by the University of California Press, there were a few lines from the “Natural Way of Lao Tzu” saying:
“Moved by deep love, a man is courageous.
And with frugality, a man becomes generous,
And he who does not desire to be ahead of the
World becomes the Leader of the World.”
One front of this war shall be that, we, the United States as a Country and as one People shall devote most of our internal’s policy efforts and resources into this War against our enemies who want to see us lose our leadership, an enemy who has committed all their efforts and resources into see us perish as a Nation. This war is not only the conventional war that has began already by this government commanded by the President George W. Bush. It must be also a more domestic war a “homemade war”. A war with psicology and philosophy taking back our Country’s principles of family of religion, principles of fairness and justice, principles of faith in honor in freedom and in trust. We will be able to save the next generation and in turn this Nation.
The other front of this War shall be to devoting most of our foreign’s policy efforts and resources in investing all we can into our neighbors. The countries of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Our Nation, our people and our elected government must in practice assign priority to this new threat of terrorism, however, we should be able to rely on our neighbors the Countries of the American Continent and Caribbean, and in turn we shall strength our relationship with them. Our Nation, the United States of America foreign policy had not want up to now to concern itself with the performance of other government of the American Continent their livelihood and the well-being in giving priority to these people our neighbors’ needs and their straggle for human rights, educational rights for a better standard of living.
The United States and its government are totally convinced that human rights and educational rights have priority over some other rights and together with the immigration’s phenomenon in this Country we have been able to reach top leadership and wealth in the world. And that is exactly the focus where our enemy has aimed, our position of leadership in the new world. They have realized that their dirty war of terrorism might be able to do what other weapons of war and technology have failed to do against Us, defeat the United States of America.
In this Country, the United States, the economic consequences of immigration have been fiercerly debated for centuries. These debates go from fiscal questions such as the amounts of money immigrants contribute in taxes and the amount they receive in public welfare benefits. But the most animated debate concerns the impact of the immigrants on the labor market.
Now our Country is facing a cruel reality, a shortage of allied in this war against these terrorists who want to eliminate us from the face of the earth. Our best allied now could have been our own neighbors, the Countries of the American Continent and Caribbean. The problem is that we have not invested sufficiently in our relationship with these neighbors. We have not invested adequately in our neighbors’ problems and deficiencies to be able to allow them to correct their problems and deficiencies, hence placing us in a position of demand an alliance of trust. We, the United States up to now, have not made any significant pledge nor contribution toward these neighbors, at least no where even near in comparison with the pledges and contributions we have made to other more “distant” countries in Europe, Asia, Japan, etc. These same distant countries who have now questioned our actions in selfdefense against terrorist enemies and the war in Irak.
We at N.A.F.A. Association, and UNPAM University, have done a study of where the deficiencies are in connection with our neighbors of Central, South America and Caribbean; the “ought to be” best allied against this world’s terrorism who is looking for ways to eliminate us from the map. We are suggesting the creation of an “Educational Anti-Terrorism Relief Act”. This Educational Program’s goal is to invest most of our, United States’ foreign policy resource into our neighbors with an American’s High and Technical Education program including an Anti-Terrorism program. The benefits of the Anti-Terrorism educational program are short term, within the first year, however, the benefits of the High and Technical Education program in general are long term benefits, that is, between five to ten years our allied neighbors in the rest of the American Continent will have a better life and well-being throughout Unites States’ technology and experience.
We feel that these programs would serve a double purpose in reducing substantially the amount of illegal immigrants people coming to the Unites States, that is, most of these illegal immigrants people come from countries which have intolerable conditions mostly economically, therefore, providing these people with the necessary tools in their countries, would enable them to earn a livelihood to support themselves and their families, and, on the other hand, give our neighbors’ foreign governments of the Americas and Caribbean countries, an opportunity to be our Allied Partners to perform anti-terrorism war services with the Unites States. Time is of essence. The enemy has launched a war never seeing before, a poisonous swarm to eliminate us, the people of the United States of America, from the face of earth. We cannot afford to be naive no more. Only the American people’s positive actions can save our country.