Our President

Humphrey Humberto Pachecker, from FLIF First “Leegal” Institute of Florida, and from NAFA. He is a nationally and internationally recognized expert in accreditation with foreign academic credential evaluations. He is the author of several law books and academic credentials such as the award-winning book on legal terminology, “NAFA's Blue Book” and numerous other publications. He has twenty-one years of experience, including ten years as a managing attorney and professor in federal practice with the New York law firm of George Chernoff & Associates.

Dr. Pachecker is a strong advocate of legal policies regarding reciprocity for foreign lawyers. Through the cooperation of the Louisiana Supreme Court and the efforts of Dr. Pachecker, he was able to bring awareness and attention to the need for opportunities and desire for foreign attorneys to practice law in the United States. Dr. Pachecker is Vice President of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association (ABA) and representative in support of the Foreign Legal Consultants (FLC) program.

Table of Contents
8 About Us
8.1 Contact Us
8.2 Resources and References
8.3 Mission and Vision
8.4 History
8.5 Accreditation
8.6 Staff and Faculty
8.7 Our President

A Message from the President of NAFA

I, together with my legal team, and with the support of the AICAC-HR Court and the NAFA Association, we will launch several action campaigns in education, human rights, international arbitration and investigations with complaints in relation to the communist socialist totalitarian regimes on the continent and the Caribbean.

Maintaining a high level of motivation to achieve a good future through a good education in the current climate of all nations on this Continent is a difficult but not impossible task, it depends on everyone. It is not every day that we manage to solve the problems that arise; Doubts and insecurities arise, conflicts break out with other people and other countries. But a good education creates a good leader and ruler who always has to be at the right time to raise education, morale, opportunities and find the formula to unravel the moments of blockage and make his citizens and colleagues see the light at the same time. final. of the tunnel.

"Ignorance kills people, that is why it is necessary to kill ignorance."
- José Martí


Dr. Humberto H. Pachecker
President of NAFA

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